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God's gift to women

  • 1 дамский угодник

    2) History: cavaliere servente
    5) Taboo: Armstrong heater, God's gift to women, S.A. cowboy (см. S.A.), agreeable rattle, belle-boy (игра слов на belle (фр.) красивый и bell-boy - коридорный в гостинице, появляющийся по первому зову), doozer (от фр. douce сладкий), feminine heart pumper, geep, grouser, hofie, hotshot, hustler, killer-diller, ladies' choice, lady-killer, longe lizard, prom trotter, puff, sailor

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > дамский угодник

  • 2 волокита

    1) General subject: Lothario, Lovelace (по имени героя Ричардсона), a lot of fuss and trouble, bloat, bumf (АБ), bureaucracy, celadon, chi-chi, chichi, dangler, gay Lothario, lady's man, official red tape, philander, philanderer, red tape, rigmarole, spark, woman's man, procrastination (бюрократия), red-tapism, bureaucratic delays
    2) Colloquial: wolf, womanizer
    3) Law: red - tapery
    4) Economy: red-tape
    6) Student language: big-time operator
    7) Taboo: Don Juan, God's gift to women, Handsome Harry, John, Lothario (см. Gay Lothario), big-dame hunter (см. big-game hunter), blonde chaser, body-snatcher, cake, cake-eater, chaser, chippy chaser, come-on, easy rider, educated fox, fanny rat (см. ass man), fanny-man (см. ass man), fast operator, fast worker, fem follower, fleece-hunter, flower-fancier (см. flower), free-lance, fusser, gal-sneaker, gay Lothario (по имени героя пьесы "The Fair Penitent" Николаса Роу), girl-trap, (о представителях обоих полов) giver of the bedroom eye, hair-monger, heavy cake, hit-and-runner, holer, home blaster, hound dog, it-chaser, killer, knave of hearts, ladies' man, lady-killer, love pirate, lover-boy, man of affairs, man on the make, masher, parlor snake (см. lounge lizard), pirate, rooster, scammer, sharp-shooter, sheik, skirt-chaser, snake, squaw man, stepson, sugar-chaser, supper-jet, tail-chaser, thriller, tom, town Johnny, travelling salesman, wild-oats sower, winker, woman's home companion, woman-chaser

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > волокита

  • 3 Д-11

    ДОРОГО БЫ ДАЛ, чтобы... or за что: МНОГО БЫ (ЧЕГО БЫ НЕ) ДАЛ VP subj: human ( usu. a pronoun) subjunctive only fixed WO with бы movable) one would be willing to give up, sacrifice sth. of great value in order to get sth. he really wants or make some desired event happen: дорого бы X дал - X would give (have given) anything (a lot, a great deal, much) what X wouldn't give (have given) X would pay (have paid) dearly X would give (have given) his right arm.
    "...Пишите для театра. Это редкий вид дарования, и я много дал бы, чтобы им обладать...» (Гладков 1).".. Write for the theatre. This is a very rare kind of gift and I would give a great deal to possess it myself... "(la).
    ...Он закрывал глаза он много дал бы, чтобы не слышать гармоник и саксофонов! (Эренбург 4). Не closed his eyes, he would have given anything to silence those accordions and saxophones! (4a).
    Что делает теперь Вера? -думал я... Я бы дорого дал, чтоб в эту минуту пожать ее руку (Лермонтов 1). I wondered what Vera was doing at that moment. I'd have given a lot to press her hand just then (Ic).
    (Ракитин) позволил себе выразиться об Аграфене Александровне несколько презрительно, как о «содержанке купца Сам-сонова». Дорого дал бы он потом, чтобы воротить свое словечко... (Достоевский 2)... (Rakitin) allowed himself to refer to Agrafena Alexandrovna somewhat contemptuously as "the merchant Samsonov's kept woman." He would have given much afterwards to take that little phrase back.. (2a).
    «Моя жена, - продолжал князь Андрей, - прекрасная женщина. Это одна из тех редких женщин, с которою можно быть покойным за свою честь но, боже мой, чего бы я не дал теперь, чтобы не быть женатым!» (Толстой 4). "My wife," Prince Andrei continued, "is an excellent woman, one of those rare women with whom a man's honor is secure, but, my God, what wouldn't I give not to be married now!" (4a).
    Дорого дала бы я тогда, чтобы понять смысл всего происходящего (Гинзбург 1). What wouldn't I have given in those days to understand the meaning of what was going on (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-11

  • 4 дорого бы дал

    ДОРОГО БЫ ДАЛ, чтобы... or за что; МНОГО БЫ < ЧЕГО БЫ НЕ> ДАЛ
    [VP; subj: human (usu. а pronoun); subjunctive only; fixed WO with бы movable]
    one would be willing to give up, sacrifice sth. of great value in order to get sth. he really wants or make some desired event happen:
    - дорого бы X дал X would give (have given) anything (a lot, a great deal, much);
    - X would give (have given) his right arm.
         ♦ "...Пишите для театра. Это редкий вид дарования, и я много дал бы, чтобы им обладать..." (Гладков 1).".. Write for the theatre. This is a very rare kind of gift and I would give a great deal to possess it myself..." (1a).
         ♦...Он закрывал глаза; он много дал бы, чтобы не слышать гармоник и саксофонов! (Эренбург 4). He closed his eyes; he would have given anything to silence those accordions and saxophones! (4a).
         ♦ Что делает теперь Вера? - думал я... Я бы дорого дал, чтоб в эту минуту пожать ее руку (Лермонтов 1). I wondered what Vera was doing at that moment. I'd have given a lot to press her hand just then (lc).
         ♦...[Ракитин] позволил себе выразиться об Аграфене Александровне несколько презрительно, как о "содержанке купца Самсонова". Дорого дал бы он потом, чтобы воротить свое словечко... (Достоевский 2)... [Rakitin] allowed himself to refer to Agrafena Alexandrovna somewhat contemptuously as "the merchant Samsonov's kept woman." He would have given much afterwards to take that little phrase back.. (2a).
         ♦ "Моя жена, - продолжал князь Андрей, - прекрасная женщина. Это одна из тех редких женщин, с которою можно быть покойным за свою честь; но, боже мой, чего бы я не дал теперь, чтобы не быть женатым!" (Толстой 4). "My wife," Prince Andrei continued, "is an excellent woman, one of those rare women with whom a man's honor is secure, but, my God, what wouldn't I give not to be married now!" (4a).
         ♦ Дорого дала бы я тогда, чтобы понять смысл всего происходящего (Гинзбург 1). What wouldn't I have given in those days to understand the meaning of what was going on (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > дорого бы дал

  • 5 много бы дал

    ДОРОГО БЫ ДАЛ, чтобы... or за что; МНОГО БЫ < ЧЕГО БЫ НЕ> ДАЛ
    [VP; subj: human (usu. а pronoun); subjunctive only; fixed WO with бы movable]
    one would be willing to give up, sacrifice sth. of great value in order to get sth. he really wants or make some desired event happen:
    - дорого бы X дал X would give (have given) anything (a lot, a great deal, much);
    - X would give (have given) his right arm.
         ♦ "...Пишите для театра. Это редкий вид дарования, и я много дал бы, чтобы им обладать..." (Гладков 1).".. Write for the theatre. This is a very rare kind of gift and I would give a great deal to possess it myself..." (1a).
         ♦...Он закрывал глаза; он много дал бы, чтобы не слышать гармоник и саксофонов! (Эренбург 4). He closed his eyes; he would have given anything to silence those accordions and saxophones! (4a).
         ♦ Что делает теперь Вера? - думал я... Я бы дорого дал, чтоб в эту минуту пожать ее руку (Лермонтов 1). I wondered what Vera was doing at that moment. I'd have given a lot to press her hand just then (lc).
         ♦...[Ракитин] позволил себе выразиться об Аграфене Александровне несколько презрительно, как о "содержанке купца Самсонова". Дорого дал бы он потом, чтобы воротить свое словечко... (Достоевский 2)... [Rakitin] allowed himself to refer to Agrafena Alexandrovna somewhat contemptuously as "the merchant Samsonov's kept woman." He would have given much afterwards to take that little phrase back.. (2a).
         ♦ "Моя жена, - продолжал князь Андрей, - прекрасная женщина. Это одна из тех редких женщин, с которою можно быть покойным за свою честь; но, боже мой, чего бы я не дал теперь, чтобы не быть женатым!" (Толстой 4). "My wife," Prince Andrei continued, "is an excellent woman, one of those rare women with whom a man's honor is secure, but, my God, what wouldn't I give not to be married now!" (4a).
         ♦ Дорого дала бы я тогда, чтобы понять смысл всего происходящего (Гинзбург 1). What wouldn't I have given in those days to understand the meaning of what was going on (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > много бы дал

  • 6 чего бы не дал

    ДОРОГО БЫ ДАЛ, чтобы... or за что; МНОГО БЫ < ЧЕГО БЫ НЕ> ДАЛ
    [VP; subj: human (usu. а pronoun); subjunctive only; fixed WO with бы movable]
    one would be willing to give up, sacrifice sth. of great value in order to get sth. he really wants or make some desired event happen:
    - дорого бы X дал X would give (have given) anything (a lot, a great deal, much);
    - X would give (have given) his right arm.
         ♦ "...Пишите для театра. Это редкий вид дарования, и я много дал бы, чтобы им обладать..." (Гладков 1).".. Write for the theatre. This is a very rare kind of gift and I would give a great deal to possess it myself..." (1a).
         ♦...Он закрывал глаза; он много дал бы, чтобы не слышать гармоник и саксофонов! (Эренбург 4). He closed his eyes; he would have given anything to silence those accordions and saxophones! (4a).
         ♦ Что делает теперь Вера? - думал я... Я бы дорого дал, чтоб в эту минуту пожать ее руку (Лермонтов 1). I wondered what Vera was doing at that moment. I'd have given a lot to press her hand just then (lc).
         ♦...[Ракитин] позволил себе выразиться об Аграфене Александровне несколько презрительно, как о "содержанке купца Самсонова". Дорого дал бы он потом, чтобы воротить свое словечко... (Достоевский 2)... [Rakitin] allowed himself to refer to Agrafena Alexandrovna somewhat contemptuously as "the merchant Samsonov's kept woman." He would have given much afterwards to take that little phrase back.. (2a).
         ♦ "Моя жена, - продолжал князь Андрей, - прекрасная женщина. Это одна из тех редких женщин, с которою можно быть покойным за свою честь; но, боже мой, чего бы я не дал теперь, чтобы не быть женатым!" (Толстой 4). "My wife," Prince Andrei continued, "is an excellent woman, one of those rare women with whom a man's honor is secure, but, my God, what wouldn't I give not to be married now!" (4a).
         ♦ Дорого дала бы я тогда, чтобы понять смысл всего происходящего (Гинзбург 1). What wouldn't I have given in those days to understand the meaning of what was going on (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > чего бы не дал

См. также в других словарях:

  • God's Gift to Women — Infobox Film name = God s Gift to Women caption = Poster showing Frank Fay and Yola d Avril. producer = director = Michael Curtiz writer = Raymond Griffith Frederick Hazlitt Brennan Joseph Jackson based on the play by Jane Hinton. starring =… …   Wikipedia

  • God's gift to women — noun Someone irresistible to women, someone who all women find attractive. After one encounter she confided to Rose, You know, Glens grown to simply love himself so much, he just thinks hes Gods gift to women. All the girls at that stupid uni… …   Wiktionary

  • think you are God's gift to women — think (you) are God s gift to women humorous if a man thinks he is God s gift to women, he thinks he is extremely attractive and that all women love him. He s the most arrogant man I ve ever met and he thinks he s God s gift to women. Oh for… …   New idioms dictionary

  • think are God's gift to women — think (you) are God s gift to women humorous if a man thinks he is God s gift to women, he thinks he is extremely attractive and that all women love him. He s the most arrogant man I ve ever met and he thinks he s God s gift to women. Oh for… …   New idioms dictionary

  • God's gift — (ironic) Someone greatly desired because of being perfect or ideal, as if sent from God • • • Main Entry: ↑god * * * God’s gift UK US noun [singular] informal showing disapproval someone who thinks they are extremely attractive or extremely good… …   Useful english dictionary

  • God's Gift (TV series) — God s Gift was a British television game show broadcast from 1995 1996. It was produced by Granada Television and hosted by Davina McCall and Stuart Hall for the first series, with McCall replaced by Claudia Winkleman in the second.Each week a… …   Wikipedia

  • God's gift (to somebody) — God s gift (to sb/sth) idiom (ironic) a person who thinks that they are particularly good at sth or who thinks that sb will find them particularly attractive • He seems to think he s God s gift to women. Main entry: ↑godidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • God's gift (to something) — God s gift (to sb/sth) idiom (ironic) a person who thinks that they are particularly good at sth or who thinks that sb will find them particularly attractive • He seems to think he s God s gift to women. Main entry: ↑godidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • God's gift to — (often ironic) truly wonderful person in a particular sphere of interest: god s gift to the business world ; He thinks he s God s gift to women …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • god's gift to — Australian Slang (often ironic) truly wonderful person in a particular sphere of interest: god s gift to the business world ; He thinks he s God s gift to women …   English dialects glossary

  • god — [gɔd US ga:d] n [: Old English;] 1.) God the spirit or ↑being who Christians, Jews, Muslims etc pray to, and who they believe created the universe ▪ Most Americans still believe in God . ▪ Nothing could shake his belief in God . ▪ He thought it… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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